• Mon through Friday 8:00 - 5:00
  • 317.359.0633
  • Mail@RebholzInc.com

From a small tenant improvement to a large warehouse complex, the proper application of architectural and protective paints and coatings is pivotal to the success of any commercial project.  By evaluating the specific requirements and specifications of your business, we are able to deliver the results you want in a safe and cost effective way.  Business owners and facility managers can depend on our experienced personnel to deliver specific solutions that minimize disruption of your business. Accommodating your day to day operations can be carefully planned in order to complete the project in a timely manner.

Ceraline (409x473)
Ceraline Before (700x377)
Ceraline After (700x377)

PROJECT: Cummins Corp. Office (formerly Ceraline Bldg) located at 500 Jackson St., Columbus, IN